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Bonnie Kiefer       call/text: (561) 599-0679

equine massage & behavioral therapy

Certified & Insured

Are you seeking help with your horse due to:

. . . mysterious signs of lameness?

. . . poor performance?

. . . undesirable behaviors?

Has it gotten to the point where no one can figure out

the source of the issue?


If so, I can help. 

  Is your horse doing anything listed below?


- Holds its head up higher than normal

- Seems anxious, scared or nervous

- Seems to have "too much energy"

or is "too lazy"

- Is grumpy/cranky, in general

- Displays anxiety, especially when being tacked up

- Is "girthy"

- Acts "mare-ish"

- Will bully you when handled

- Extremely sensitive to touch

- Flinches when touched

- Is head shy

- Runs off when being approached

- Runs off when trying to catch in the turn out

- Jerks its nose up if you touch its muzzle, nostrils, etc

- Hates being groomed

- Moves around when being groomed

- Moves around when being fly sprayed

- Has a sour expression

- Pins its ears

- Grinds its teeth

- Constantly paws the ground

- Does not get along with certain people/handlers

- Pulls back when being tied

- Bites

- Kicks

- Swishes tail

- Seems distant, depressed or expressionless

- Cribs

- Wind sucks

- Weaves

- Shakes its head

- Shows aggressive behaviors

- Will come at you aggressively

- Will strike out

- Has threatening behaviors

- Will attack people

- Has Stallion behaviors

- Has Stallion behaviors but is not a Stallion

- Is biting at itself

- Is harming itself

. . . OR is showing any other sign of undesirable behaviors


- Hollows its back

- Throws its head up

- Has body stiffness

- Head tossing/jerking

Braces against the bit

- Ducks behind the vertical

- Pulls/yanks to one side

- Does not bend well

- Poor range of motion

- Does not pick up a lead

- Disunites/cross canters

- Has difficulty transitioning

- Cannot perform certain maneuvers

- Refuses to swap leads

- Charges forward when asking for the canter

- Throws its head down when asking to move forward

- Pins ears when asking for transitions

- Bucks at random times

- Bucks or crow hops when picking up or switching leads

- Bucks riders off

- Over reacts to seat and leg aids

- Anxiety level raises when being ridden

- Hesitates to perform

- Refuses jumps

- Twists or repeatedly takes off or lands poorly over jumps

- Knocks jumps over or runs through them/into them

- Acts frustrated or impatient

- Cannot seem to focus

- Rears up or attempts to rear up

- Bolts off or goes too fast

- Runs off after mounting

- Will not go forward at all

- Backs up too much

- Refusal to load in Trailer

. . . OR is showing any other sign of poor performance

Mysterious Lameness/Health:

- Is clearly lame

- Just seems to be "off"

- Has had a previous injury

- Is currently injured

- Lameness symptoms or behaviors that cannot be explained by Vets or other Equine Specialists

- Treatments and various therapies do not seem to be affective

- Holds its head up higher than normal

- Stands unbalanced

- Lifts one leg up and out to the side when moving

- Leg shakes or spasms when lifted

- Throws the leg down hard when trying to lift it

- Constantly shifts its weight 

- Cannot bare weight on its other legs when one is picked up

- Has a crooked tail, holds tail to one side

- Drags a leg/s

- Trips or Falls

- Sways, cannot walk straight

- Has bouts of unexplained body movement

- Holds its head or body oddly

- Shakes its head

- Has no stamina

- Difficulty moving certain limbs

- Has swelling in legs or body

- Any level of hoof sensitivity

- Has heat in the hooves, legs or body

- Has SI, stifle or hock issues

- Cross canters/disunites

- Has difficulty transitioning

- Needs corrective shoeing

- Has conformational defects

- Has a parrot mouth, underbite or overbite

- Has a chronic condition

- Has lost muscle

- Is developing muscle on one side or in one area of its body and not the other

- Has colicked or colics often

- Looks ill

- Has a poor body score

- Is severely under or overweight

- Has a poor coat

- Has a skin condition

- Is having diarrhea

- Is not eating or drinking normally

. . . OR is showing any other sign of mysterious lameness or other symptom or behavior

    If your horse is experiencing anything other than what is listed above, I can help    

 Call me for a free consultation . . .

I would love to hear all about your horse!

2024 PRICING: 

$160* ~ First/initial session for ALL new horses.


. a full Tack Assessment (saddle/bridle/bit, etc).
Optional and HIGHLY Recom

. a full, comprehensive report, emailed as a PDF.

Duration: approximately 2-3 hours per horse*


$80 ~ All Follow Ups and Maintenance Sessions


. notes on the results are texted to you.

. continued guidance & recommendations, if needed

Duration:  approximately 1-1.5 hours per horse*

* duration of sessions vary per case 

" . . . massage & behavioral therapy combined can truly be a life changing experience for these horses"


Palm Beach and Broward counties of Florida:

flexible schedule, please call/text or email me to schedule.


** I am also available to all areas of Florida with a guaranteed minimum

depending on location (please inquire)

Initial/New Client Session includes:

Consultation > Observation > *Tack Assessment > Bodywork > Behavioral Help > Recommendations > Guidance

*Tack Assessment is currently optional but HIGHLY recommended! 

Basic Session Information:

* Within the initial session, I am able to greatly help your horse and assess what might be the underlying cause(s) of your concerns going on with your horse, offering an awareness and understanding of why such things are or have been occurring.

* I incorporate general desensitizing and behavioral help techniques throughout the session (if needed) which helps the horse feel more relaxed, confident, and trusting and will help towards easier handling, grooming and tacking up of your horse in general.

* If needed, I offer helpful recommendations that pertain to healthier muscles, a better range of motion, a greater quality of performance and improved overall well-being of your horse regarding things like feed/nutrition, supplements, additional therapies as well as any helpful tips regarding handling techniques, exercise/riding, etc. 

* I begin with a Level 1 tack assessment that is included for all 1st time clients (saddle, bridle, bit, halter, etc).  This complimentary service is currently optional but very highly recommended, since over 95% of back pain in riding horses is due to saddle fit, with the remaining coming from the fit of the bit, bridle, halter or other reasons.

* I am able to determine if your horse is in need of immediate chiropractic help and will help prepare your horse for a more successful adjustment through relaxing the body, mind and muscles in general and help your horse have a better range of motion.  

* At the end of the session, I go over the results and show you some techniques you can use on your horse.  A full report will be emailed to you after a few days (depending on my schedule) that can be used as a helpful guide, especially for tracking purposes.

* I offer continued guidance to clients from that point on until the issues are either well understood and/or are fully resolved. This includes guidance through individualized recommendations to the most up-to-date equine products, therapies and much more.

* Long term clients have the benefit of having me get to know their horse well enough to track even the most subtle details or micro-changes going on with their horse, which is useful for preventing injury and helping to keep their horse as comfortable and happy as possible.

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